Editore: Fondazione E. Zancan
Autore: Cinzia Canali, Tiziano Vecchiato e James K. Whittaker, edited by
Anno di pubblicazione: 2008
Codice ISBN: 88-88843-24-8
Numero di pagine: 594
€16.00 – €25.00
Exploring the landscape of ‘evidence-based’ interventions for ‘deep-end’ children and their families: how do we know ‘what works’ and how do we make more of it available? (James K. Whittaker). Services for difficult children and youth: innovations and evaluations (Augusto Palmonari). Emotional well-being and mental health of looked after children in the UK (Colette McAuley). Discerning European perspectives on evidence-based interventions for vulnerable children and their families (Hans Grietens). Mental health disorders of youth in foster care and foster care alumni in the United States (Peter J. Pecora). Is there a future for residential youth care and treatment? Messages from research (Erik J. Knorth). Globalization and child welfare: lessons from a cross-national study of children in out-of-home care (June Thoburn). Moving from a general to a personalised model for the evaluation of outcomes: Perspectives from international research (Tiziano Vecchiato).
Chapter 1: Foster care: findings from research and practice
Agreement between foster child and foster parent in the severity of problem behaviour (Johan Strijker, Simon Oijen). The US adoption and foster care analysis and reporting system and cross-national research on foster care (Robin Spath). Longitudinal research in parenting stress and behavioural problems in foster care (Johan Vanderfaeillie, Frank Van Holen, Lenny Trogh). Family reunification of adolescents placed in foster care: intervention and research perspectives (Marie-Claude Simard).
Chapter 2: Changing directions for challenging children and families
Changing directions for challenging children and their families (Wendy Rose, Jane Aldgate). Parenting support within Child and Family. Evolution towards more evidence-based services (Benedikte Van den Bruel). The reluctant role of the Federal Government in Child Welfare in the United States (John Sciamanna). Reforming Child Protection Systems: policy considerations from an Australian perspective (Robyn Miller, Chris Asquini).
Chapter 3: Residential care: findings from research and practice
Contextual practice in residential care: the Cano projects (Hans Grietens). Working with the family-context of young people in residential care (Esther M.W. Geurts, Erik J. Knorth, Marc J. Noom). Outcomes assessment in residential care: a long term evaluation (Jorge F. Del Valle, Amaia Bravo). Evaluation of the outcomes of secure accommodation in Scotland (Andrew Kendrick, Moira Walker, Aileen Barclay and Lynne Hunter).
Chapter 4: At-risk behaviour in children and adolescents
Barrier to treatment in Shenzhen, China: a qualitative study on the experiences of Chinese families facing eating disorders (Joyce L.C. Ma, Xu Wen Yan, Chen Xiangyi). High-conflict parental divorce: children’s experiences (Per Arne RÇ¿d). Adapting, manualizing and evaluating an evidence based CBT Group of intervention for youth with depressive symptoms for delivery in school-based settings (Mary C. Ruffolo, Daniel Fischer,Sarah Fraley, Kristy Postlewaite, Shannon Hill, Dave Neal). Finding a path to the evidence: A research strategy for a therapeutic program (Margarita Frederico, Annette Jackson, Carly Black).
Chapter 5: Improving parenting skills: findings from research
First results from the translation, implementation and researching of the Webster-Stratton incredible years (iy) basic parenting programme in Portugal (Maria Filomena Gaspar, Maria João Seabra-Santos). Improving early intervention for families at risk of serious parenting problems (Kristien Lacluyse, Hans Grietens, Walter Hellinckx). Long-term effectiveness of the parenting support program Home-Start (Anna H. Rutgers, Peter J. Hoffenaar, Jessica J. Asscher, Maja Deković and Jo M. A. Hermanns). Working with parents of troubled and troublesome young people at risk of care (Nina Biehal ).
Chapter 6: Voices of children and families
Mapping the impact of children’s advocacy services (Andrew Pithouse). Foster care and sense of belonging: the voices of the children of the foster families (Barbara Ongari ). How do children fare in care: a longitudinal study of outcomes (Elizabeth Fernandez). Pluridisabled child and his/her family in care (Roberta Caldin, Paola Milani, Simone Visentin).
Chapter 7: Children and young people using high service resources
Outcomes for youth in residential care vs. intensive in-home therapy: a propensity score analysis (Richard P. Barth, Johanna Greeson, Shenyang Guo, Sarah Hurley, Jocelyn Sisson). Meeting the needs of children without parental care: a contemporary international policy analysis (Jennifer C. Davidson). Emotional maltreatment in young Canadians: results of the second incidence study of reported child abuse and neglect (CIS-2) (Claire Chamberland, Barbara Fallon, Tara Black, Nico Trocmé, Martin Chabot). Troubled and troublesome children: a challenge for professionals (Helen Agathonos-Georgopoulou, Vivi Tsibouka, Angeliki Skoubourdi).
Chapter 8: Seeking effective strategies for foster families
Permanence in foster care: meanings and systems for planning and support (Gillian Schofield). Foster care practice in Spain: an outcomes assessment approach (Jorge F. del Valle, Mónica López, Amaia Bravo). Why foster care placements breakdown? A study into the factors influencing foster care placement breakdown in Flanders (Johan Vanderfaeillie, Frank Van Holen, Sofie Coussens). Child-Parent contact in foster care situations (Peter M. van den Bergh, Tonny A.M. Weterings).
Chapter 9: Children and youth in out-of-home care
Secure residential treatment for juveniles with severe behavioural problems: what about its outcomes? (Annemiek T. Harder, Erik J. Knorth, Margrite E. Kalverboer, Tjalling Zandberg). Effectiveness conditions in out-of-home placement of children and adolescents (Laura Palareti, Chiara Berti, Francesca Emiliani). Outcomes for youth in residential care (Robert M. Goerge, Andrew Zinn). Characteristics of severely troubled children, adolescents, and their families (Tine Egelund, Mette Lausten).
Chapter 10: Young people leaving care
A case-control study of a representative sample of young adults who received child welfare services in Quebec during adolescence (Eric Yergeau, Robert Pauzé and Jean Toupin). The transition to adulthood for young people leaving public care: developing an international research group and the challenges of comparative work (Mike Stein, Emily Munro). Participation of children and young people living in institutional care (Hélène Milova). Israeli youth in foster care: who are they and what do they need? (Anat Zeira).
Chapter 11: Seeking effective strategies for adolescents
Changing the tune from cannibal corpse, obituary and deicide: emotionally focused therapy with metal heads and their families (Itzhak Lander). Health Promotion in Primary School: an experimental project in Veneto Region (Elizabeth Mary Tamang Alessandro Mantovani, Martina Di Pieri, Rosanna Canova). The impact of schools counselling in managing troubled youngsters: understanding complexity in schools’ approaches to managing troubled youngsters by testing methods to capture synergy and mediatory factors (Chris Warren-Adamson, Joy Warren-Adamson ). The Internet as resource for working with youth at risk: Attitudes of normative and dropout adolescents towards using the Internet (Shlomo Romi, Orit Mannor-Muldoon).
Chapter 12: Prevention and early interventions
Crisis nursery service outcomes for caregivers at multiple sites in Illinois (Susan Cole, Pedro Hernandez). STOP4-7, an early intervention programme for young children with serious behavioural problems (Wim De Mey). The transition process from kindergarten to primary school: a path towards risk reduction and resource potentiation of school age children (Mara Manetti, Barry H. Schneider, Laura Frattini, Nadia Rania, Robert Coplan). How evidence based is the assessment of Intimate Partner Violence in child protection risk assessments? A cross national comparison (Mary Ann Forgey, Mary Allen, Johna Hansen ).
Chapter 13: Seeking effective strategies: process and outcomes
Evaluation of care pathways for 0-6 children placed in residential care (Paola Milani, Vera Da Rin, Cinzia Canali, Giorgia Zara, Claudio Roncoroni, Marco Ius, Paola Baglioni). Researching history of restraining practices in children’s residential care: methodological considerations (Susanna Hoikkala). Developmental adjustment in adolescents growing up in childcare institutions in Romania (Gabriela Misca). Designing with care: Interior design and residential child care (Andrew Kendrick, Catherine Docherty). Process and outcomes of needs-led and family-focused child and youth care: preliminary findings in a programme evaluation (Janneke Metselaar, Erik J. Knorth, Peter M. Van den Bergh). Multi-dimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC) for young offenders: comparing young people referred to MTFC in England and the USA (Nina Biehal). Comparing youth outcomes for group care and treatment foster care: An application of propensity score matching (Bethany Lee, Ron Thompson). Current trends in the use of residential child care: the legacy of a ‘last resort’ approach (Ian Milligan).
Chapter 14 : Intensive treatment alternatives
Do training programs work? Evaluation of the training Coping with Social Limits (Anne-Marie N. Huyghen, Tjalling Zandberg, Johan Strijker). Process-outcome research with severe troubled children and their families in Flanders: pleading for a mixed-method model (Bert Van Puyenbroeck, Gerrit Loots, Hans Grietens, Wolfgang Jacquet). New developments on intensive treatment for young conducted disordered youth in The Netherlands (Leonieke Boendermaker). The concept “intensive special care” for troublesome children and young people: The Finnish case (Pösö Tarja, Kekoni Taru, Kitinoja Manu).
Chapter 15: Seeking effective community-based interventions
Promoting increased safeguarding of children London minority ethnic faith communities (David Derbyshire). From competition to cooperation: the possibilities for reconnection engendered by a positive school climate (Sibylle Artz, Diana Nicholson). Children’s vulnerability, institutional dependency and reintegration: a dialectic cultural response (Barnabe D’Souza). Research pilot ‘schools and (ex-) criminal youngsters’. Integration of ex-delinquent juveniles in education (Daan Wienke). The impact of Juvenile Justice interventions on young offenders in Spain (Amaia Bravo, Maria Jesús Sierra, Jorge F. Del Valle).
Chapter 16: Challenges for Italian young people and their families
The programme for Social Adoption in Naples and Campania Regione (Giuseppe Cirillo, Carmela Di Maio, Dora Artiaco, Paolo Siani). A local service for children and their families: resulats of four years of activity (Teresa Bertotti). Family environment and parental stress in families of children affected by organic or psychological conditions (Eleonora Maino, Donatella Fara, Massimo Molteni). Interventions for children with multiple needs: severity, effectiveness and costs (Maria Bezze).
Chapter 17: Young people with mental health difficulties
How is the mental health situation of children receiving assistance from child welfare service? (Anette Christine Iversen, Toril Havik, Reidar Jakobsen, Kjell Morten Stormark). Actualizing synergy in a community mental health system of care through assessing leadership collaboration (Anita Lightburn). Family social work in the residential setting of the Otto Gerhard Heldring Stichting: is it relevant? (Jelle Drost, Jana Knot-Dickscheit). Negotiating welfare and mental health systems: The experience of former adolescent milieu residents over fifteen years (Patricia McNamara).
Chapter 18: Professionals and families: views on children and families needs
omino 2 Project: individualized education support for parenting skills (Luca Sommadossi, Silvana Rossi). A path to climb: resistances and curiosity for an innovative method (Teresa Ammirati, Donatella Salerni). Time for Inclusion in the multicultural Europe: looking at Youth and Family from a comparative window (Barbara Giovanna Bello). The role of the attachment theory in understanding “the need of family” owned by every child and in providing the right answer to this need (Elisa Pajusco).
Chapter 19: Tools and methods for evaluating interventions
Outcome based evaluation of home care projects for supporting, enabling and empowering parental skills (Sonia Saugo, Cristiana Dall’Amico, Elena Dal Ben, Stefania Carollo, Alessandra Sartore, Chiara De Marchi, Elena Ferracin, Sonia Garzaro, Antonella Lagni, Gianna Thiella, Fabrizia Polo, Paola Milani). Families and children: a strategy for social assessment (Carmen Prizzon). Instrument for divided and shared planning: the experience of the Regional Centre “I Girasoli” of Padua (Andrea Frosi, Maria Elisa Antonioli, Paola Gandellini). From foster care to independent living. Qualitative micro-research on outcome evaluation of children’s permanence in a family-type residential setting (Gianmaria Gioga, Sara Serbati).
Chapter 20: Experiences of evaluation in Italy
Multiprofessional intervention versus uniprofessional one: intensive treatment alternatives for adolescents with psychic and behavioural disease (Michela Gatta, Riccardo Pertile, Paolo Testa, Lara Del Col, Giovanni Ceranto, Rosaria Sorgato, Luigi Bianchin, Antonio Condini). Facing with a new abandonment risk in centres for the right of visit and relationship (Paola Dallanegra, Alessandro Selva, Irene Lozar, Giancarlo Galli, Diego Bissacco). The Project “Space for the Counselling of Teenagers and their Families” (Patrizia Zanibon, Denise Rigoni). The way to adoption: five years follow-up (2002-2006). Results and criticalness (Alessandra Moro, Federica Elmetti, Lisa Samassa).
Chapter 21: Prevention and family support
Key elements of effective practice in supporting parents in vulnerable families: what the international evidence tells us (Deborah Ghate). Valuing Young Parents – Collaborative practice in working with teenage parents in outer Western Sydney in an early intervention and prevention model (Karen van Woudenberg, Louisa McKay). A way of conducting groups of parents: which work? An overview of
practices in France and Italy (Anne-Marie Doucet-Dahlgren, Veronique Francis, Chiara Sità, Livia Cadei). Community-based child abuse prevention: Outcomes associated with a differential response program in California (Amy Conley, Jill Duerr Berrick).
Chapter 22: Parent engagement and family support
Engaging birth parents in child welfare services: promising practices and policy opportunities (Susan P. Kemp, Maureen O. Marcenko, William Vesneski). Family stress and behavioural problems in kinship and non-kinship foster care. Report of a Flemish study (Frank Van Holen, Johan Vanderfaeillie, Charlotte Haarsma). Whole family approaches: responding to and engaging with complex social lives (Harriet Clarke, Nathan Hughes, Kate Morris). Family group conferences and the improvement of family centred decision making (Peter Marsh). Parent management training of foster parents: development, user evaluation and RCT (Reidar Jakobsen).
Chapter 23: Child and family support alternatives
Cross national implementation of the Homebuilders® Model: Experiences, challenges and outcomes (Shelley Leavitt, Charlotte Booth). Comparing costs in evaluating services for severely troubled children
and youth in care (Lisa Holmes, Harriet Ward). Traumatised children’s view of their social world: the application of the Social Network Map for children who have experienced abuse and neglect (Annette Jackson, Margarita Frederico, Carly Black, Jane Harrison, Trish McCluskey). Evaluation of child parent treatment centres in Israel (Dori Rivkin).
Chapter 24: Evidence-based and culturally responsive services: the critical nexus
Do ethnic minorities get second best solutions? A comparison of children in care in 2005 (Mette Lausten, Tine Egelund). Te Aho Takitoru – An indigenous social work framework (Takiri Cotterill, Frank Rosandich, Joanne Rosandich). Anonymous placement of young victims of violence (Herbert E. Colla, Tanja Corleis, Simon Garbers, Birgit Hein, Anja Jansen, Lea Miczuga). Ritual and physical exercising in the treatment of traumatized bereaved children in the context of political violence (Vered Slonim-Nevo, Itzhak Lander). Supporting legal decision-making in the best interest of the child in Refugee and Asylum law: A model combining psychological and judicial considerations (Margrite Kalverboer, Elianne Zijlstra, Erik J. Knorth). Club Amigas: an effective response to the needs of adolescent Latinas (Sandra G. Turner, Carol P. Kaplan and Chaya Piotrkowski). Acculturation and school achievement of refugee children: a case study (Betty Goguikian Ratcliff). South Asian adolescents in Britain: acculturation, identity and psychological wellbeing (Lena Robinson).
Chapter 25: Seeking effective strategies for families and children
Issues on present and future of kinship foster care (Carme Monserrat Boada). Evaluating Family Support Service (Øivin Christiansen, Bente Moldestad). Strategies for improving the quality and effectiveness of services for troubled children and their families: experiences of youth care in Amsterdam (Ellen Schulze, Theo Schut). Strategies for improving the quality and effectiveness of services for troubled children and their families: experiences of youth care in Drenthe (Mariska van der Steege, Carolien Konijn).
Chapter 26: Practice based research with young people and families
A creative systematic implementation of “the practice based” theory within the youth care services of the Flemish community (Johan Peeters, Stefaan Van Mulders, Bart Verstraete). Getting it right for every child – a national approach to enhancing services to vulnerable children and youth in the context of improving outcomes for all children in Scotland (Jane Aldgate, Wendy Rose). Research informed practice? Making a difference? (Margaret McKenzie). Care and education of difficult adolescents: research conclusions and policy implications (David Berridge).
Chapter 27: Evidence-based research and professional culture Italian and Australian evaluation experience: Building evidence through effective collaboration (Patricia McNamara, Elisabetta Neve). Reflection on professional helping quality (Trijntje Roggen). Evidence based practice: the new idol? (Hubert M. Pijnenburg, Jan Willem Veerman). Research design, effectiveness and evidence (Cinzia Canali, Anna Chiara Frigo, Tiziano Vecchiato). Gifts between family support workers and families: an unacknowledged topic (Bernadette Tillard). Experienced practitioner views of good practice and optimal services for challenging youth (Lloyd Owen). Myths and realities in working with children affected by autism spectrum disorders in residential care (Irene Stevens). The use of action based research to initiate the development of culture change in service delivery to families in crisis and those requiring early intervention (Merle Davies). Patterns of services for maltreated children: an eight year follow-up of English children suffering significant harm (Marian Brandon, June Thoburn).
Chapter 28: Evidence-based research from the world
Particularities of building institutional services for Hiv/Aids suffering children in South-Easthern Asia
(Ondrej Botek, Nada KovalÄíkov). Aboriginal children’s wellbeing and the role of culture: outcomes of
an Australian research project into measurements and assessment tools for Aboriginal and Islander children (Jane Harrison, Annette Jackson, Margarita Frederico, Peter Lewis, Sue Anne Hunter). Development and experimentation of a programme, Family Project, for neglectful families: Lessons from research and practice (Michèle Brousseau, Madeleine Beaudry, Marie Simard).
Proving culture as resilience works: creating the evidence base (Muriel Bamblett, Peter Lewis).
Chapter 29: Children with special difficulties
An ecosystemic psychodynamic intervention for children with mild psychosocial problems and academic difficulties: prospects and limits of the evaluation process (Elias E. Kourkoutas). Residential treatment, perceptions and experiences of young people admitted to a remedial treatment centre for young people with mild intellectual disabilities (Xavier M.H. Moonen). Effectiveness of an intervention program focusing on the adoption of abused or neglected children: An outcome study (Genevieve Pagé, Michel Carignan, Marie-Andrée Poirier, Sylvie Normandeau). Institutional routines as social training: Strategies in therapeutic residential care to normalize and reintegrate vulnerable children (Tine Egelund, Turf Böcker Jakobsen).
Chapter 30: Seeking effective strategies: process and outcomes
How to foster resilience: learning from outcomes of survivors life stories to foster development and growth of children out of home (Marco Ius, Paola Milani). Children in care: severe troubles or resilience potentials? (Anne-Dorthe Hestbaek, Mette Lausten). Listening to children: a journey through their well being, problems and needs (Roberto Maurizio, Giorgia Salvadori). Young people leaving public care in the United Kingdom: experiences, outcomes and interventions (Jim Wade).
Chapter 31: Challenges for Italian young people and their families
Working with the operators to cure deprived adolescents. The relations network clinical setting as an effectual therapeutical means working in complex psychosocial environments (Francesca Codignola, Lucina Bergamaschi, Clorinda Da Pian, Teresa Di Bari, Giancarlo Galli). A psycho-educational treatment project for ill-treated and/or abused adolescents (Angela Gesuè, Marilena Balatti, Orietta Bardi, Laura Carrà).
The knowledge of educators’ intra-psychic dynamics like protective factors in educative intervention about children who are/live in residential care (Alessandro Taurino, Paola Bastianoni, Licia Barrocu). The efficacy evaluation and cost-benefit analysis of the intervention towards troubled youth and its families: OIKOS Service (Gian Piero Turchi, Angelo Mussoni, Elisa Michielin, Luisa Betto, Andrea Perno, Mara Rachela Scampoli).
Chapter 32: Children and families coping with disabilities
The educational support for parents of disabled students in a social integration: the experience of Mida
(Roberta Caldin, Maria Rosa Cavalluzzo). Family and autism (Gianna Berligerio, Mario Chimenti, Carlo Hanau, Daniela Mariani Cerati Nicola Panocchia). Paideia’s recreational activities: Evaluating informal experiences in bringing families together (Fabrizio Serra, Federica Liscio). Counseling as support for families with deaf children (Mariselda Tessarolo). Disabled people: levels of care/citizenship and types of care (Ingrid Berto).
Chapter 33: Macro and micro perspectives in the Italian care system
Bottom-up integration: a partnership between the Juvenile Offenders Unit of Offertasociale Community and the Regional Center for Juvenile Justice of the Ministry of Justice (Elena Giudice). To link together personalization and efficacy working in justice (Marilena Sinigaglia, Monia De Paoli). “Essere al mondo, mettere al mondo: una rete cha accoglie”: a network project to support families that are experiencing the parental status (Maria Ferrante, Cristina Marchesini, Barbara Fava). Personalized plans considering both the needs of the person and the family. Results from a research with 15 families with children, and with multiple-problems (Gianmaria Gioga, Monica Pivetti). Access regulation to human services. Recommendations on method and contents (Elena Innocenti).
Chapter 34: Children and families in non residential care
Goal attainment in youth care in the Netherlands. Effectiveness of needs led care (Marion Welling). Try again, Sam (Silvana Fantini, Sandro Scanavino). Casket Project: the treasure of the origins, the richness of the present, the well-integrated identity development (Maura Zandonai, Nicoletta Poli, Sabina Grigolli). An approach for the link between social levels and child maltreatment by social network analysis (Gillonne Desquesnes). Octagon-Octaplay: play group challenge 1963-1981 and child care training and play 1981-1991 (Rosemary Pickering, Betty Rathbone). The protection of children and families experiencing difficulties with a view to services’ cooperation: intervention strategies and evaluation of the process: The experience of the Aulss 17 – Este (Luisa Betto, Maria Luisa Scampoli, Gian Piero Turchi, Angelo Mussoni). Offering a life project to children: an approach that is increasingly
anchored in the practices of youth protection in Quebec (Esther Montambault, Denis Trudelle, Jean-Luc Gosselin). Bringing safety and joy into a child’s life (Liisa Heino, Päivi Salomaa). The impact of trauma on children in protection and care: an approach to understanding trauma through the use of assessment and outcome measures (Carly Black, Margarita Frederico, Annette Jackson, Trish McCluskey). Effectiveness of group therapy for sexually abused female adolescents: Follow-up six months after treatment (Marc Tourigny, Leechen Farkas). Social inclusion of adoptive children and adolescents at school (Alessandra Moro, Federica Elmetti, Michela Franchetti, Alessia Zanetti). Assessments in Child Welfare Service: Experiences from a model inspired by empowerment and network thinking (Dag Skilbred, Anette Christine Iversen and Toril Havik). The psychosocial treatment of the maltreated children: a follow-up study (Antonio Maria Corato, Paola Baglioni). Implementing randomized experiments: an evaluation of multisystemic therapy in The Netherlands (Willeke Manders, Maja Dekovic, Jessica Asscher).
Chapter 35: Care for at-risk children and youth in Portugal
Program design and evaluation for at-risk children and youth: preventing developmental impairment (Maria Manuela Calheiros). Short-term effects of parental risk contexts in infants’ development (Leonor Rodrigues, Maria Manuela Calheiros, Salomé V. Santos). A new service for early development promotion in an emergency care setting (Salomé V. Santos, Maria Manuela Calheiros, Leonor Rodrigues). New practices for youth’s residential care: promoting autonomy development (Ana Martins, Maria Manuela Calheiros, Carla Moleiro). Implementation and development processes of a new service for long-term institutionalized youth (Carla Moleiro, Margarida Garrido, Maria Manuela Calheiros).
Chapter 36: Children and young people in residential care
The risk of continuity of institutional culture: the case of the residential care for children (Federico Zullo, Paola Bastianoni). The Looking After Children approach in four child protection centres in Quebec: the effects on the evolution of children in care (Marie-Claude Simard, Marie-Andrée Poirier, Véronique Noël). Differential evaluation of residential programmes for children (Angela Torbay Betancor, Eduardo Martín Cabrera). Personal, school and social adjustment of children in residential care (Maria Dolores García Hernández, Eduardo Martín Cabrera). Quality 4 Children (Samantha Tedesco, Werner Hilweg, Christian Posch, Franco Colizzi). Social support network and adjustment of children in residential child care (Eduardo Martin). Organizational ethnography of a residential service for out-of-home children (Marzia Saglietti).
Chapter 37: Interventions with children and families
The Veneto project to accompanying and support adoptive families: Padua’s experience (Marta Macchi, Ilaria Parrinello, Barbara Segatto, Simonetta Valentini). The Webster Stratton Incredible Years (IY) Basic Parenting Programme: Parental satisfaction in a community group of Portuguese parents (Maria João Seabra Santos, Maria Filomena Fonseca Gaspar). Intensive home visiting programme for multiproblem families. Background and implementation of effectiveness study (Denise Bodden, Maja Dekovic, Cathy van Tuijl). Differences and similarities between the experiences of mothers and fathers of a child with a disability: the point of view of parents (Diane Pelchat, Car Lacharité, Germain Dulac, Valérie Bourgeois-Guérin). Crisis intervention for families: The search for effective elements (Channa Al, Geert Jan Stams, Peter van der Laan). Biological parent implication as a factor of foster child social development (Séverine Euillet, Olivia TroupelCremel, Amandine Baude, Chantal Zaouche Gaudron). Longitudinal impacts of a multimodal intervention program addressed to ADHD children and their parental stress (Line Massé, Martine Verreault, Claudia Verret, Phillipe Lageix, Marie-Claude Guay).
Chapter 38: Interventions with immigrant children and families
Stories of Success and Failure among immigrant adolescents at risk: Developing a family/community based model of intervention (Ludmila Rubinstein, Julia Mirsky, Vered Slonim-Nevo). Impacts of environmental factors on cognitive development of immigrant children from developing countries (Anne J. Choquette, Danielle Blanchard, Marie-Claude Guay). Homo-cultural fostering, natural boundary of the protection of foreign children (Anna Maria Giarola).
Editore: Fondazione E. Zancan
Autore: Cinzia Canali, Tiziano Vecchiato e James K. Whittaker, edited by
Anno di pubblicazione: 2008
Codice ISBN: 88-88843-24-8
Numero di pagine: 594